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Define and Build Your Wealth through Money & Credit Management.


Helping First-Gen Professionals + Immigrants Take the Money Stress out of their Day-to-Day

Gaining control over your money & credit is overwhelming…

if you don’t have a plan!



You probably live paycheck to paycheck

You're unable to support and give to your family


You're also drowning in debt

You're unprepared to handle life transitions

And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you. Surplus Financial Consultants specialize in removing the anxiety from your money management.

We will help you create a plan for building your Wealthy Life.

Let us help you:

Clarify your money vision

Give your money meaning through Financial Life Planning.

Create a customized plan

Develop a money plan to support your dreams.

Execute the plan

Reorganize your money to fund those dreams.

Live a Wealthy Life

Enjoy a Purpose Driven life filled with meaning.


Hello awesome person, my name is Jenny!

A Behavioral Financial Advisor. Money Management Coach. Credit Expert. Speaker. Business Strategist. Sister & Fellow Eldest Daughter

My mission is to empower First Gens Professionals, specifically Eldest Daughters like you to confidently take control of your finances by offering empathetic, culturally sensitive, and informed guidance to help you reach your financial goals. 

According to the Paycheck to Paycheck report from PYMNTS and LendingClub, 61% of adults in the US live paycheck to paycheck.

This stat tells me ONE thing. There is a 61% chance that YOU are living in a state of PANIC over your money.

What does living in a state of panic look like? You are DROWNING under credit card or student loan debt, you’re unable to take care of your health or your family needs, and you’re constantly worrying about surviving the next emergency.

No one understands this better than the FIRST in the family attempting to accumulate wealth.

This is why we exist. To help YOU live life on your own terms as financially confident heroes of your family.

Learn and Implement the Surplus Framework to Gain Control over your money


Step 1: Assess Your Position

Clarify the vision and values behind your money management, which will act as guiding principles for future money decisions.


Step 3: Adjust for Uncertainties

Create a game plan to manage the ups and downs of life & gain skills on how to engage healthy money talks with loved ones.

Step 2: Activate Your System

Implement a money management system that works using the Plan Ahead Method™ & gain security knowing each dollar has a purpose.

Step 4: Accelerate Your Assets Growth

Build a long term investment strategy that makes sense for your unique financial situation and actively acquire assets.

 Here’s how to Work with me

Credit Audit

– 1-hour Zoom Recording

– Breakdown of Credit Profile

– A strategy to improve your credit score

– Dispute Letter Templates 

– Perfect Credit Score Cheat Sheet

– Debt Collection Removal Ebook

That’s a $597 value

$597 $149

Breakthrough Coaching Session

– 1:1 Customized Coaching Session

– Wealthy Life Money Plan

– Prosperity Playbook

– A savings strategy that leaves you  Financially Secured

– A debt strategy that empowers you to be in Control of the debt

That’s a $997 value

$997 $297

Still Unsure?

"Is Financial Freedom for me?"

Absolutely! Abundance is your Birthright.

The journey to a Wealthy Life isn’t met to be traveled alone. As your personal & professional Financial Coaches, we’ll guide you through building sustainable habits & a holistic strategic plan that fits your lifestyle.

“I just need more discipline/money. I know I can figure it out on my own. I just need to eat out less/try harder.”

You can absolutely figure out how to get control of your money on your own. The question is do you have to?

Growing up as the Eldest Daughter of Immigrant parents I was conditioned to believe that I had to figure things out on my own. For years this made it really hard for me to ask for help and trust that when I do I wouldn’t be shamed for it.

Money is not intuitive and you don’t need to feel heavy or guilty about struggling with it. It’s a skill that is learned and developed, if you’ve never had teachers to show you the way, we want to be that for you.

You may need more discipline, but I am positive the greater need is permission to ask and receive help.

“I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. How can I trust money coaching will work for me?”

I hear you. I know how frustrating it must feel to try so many apps and different budget templates, and find that nothing works for you.

The reality is that most of the apps and programs you’ve used are designed for the masses. They’ll work until they don’t. Because most of them only focus on the logical & technical side of money.

Here at Surplus, our goal is to focus on the 80% that leads to major impact; your BEHAVIOR. Money Coaching is really coaching YOU; the money follows where YOU lead them.

“Financial Coaching sounds like a lot. I’m not sure I can commit. I need something quicker."

Let us give it to you straight: Financial Coaching is a lot. 

Anything worth committing to feels like a lot in the beginning…until you find your rhythm and confidence.

Money is a lifelong journey, just like your mental health and wholeness in general.

The thing is, budgeting (especially in the beginning) is hard. But you know what else is hard?

Not having a budget. 

Not having a budget means constantly wondering where your money went to at the end of the month. It means being reactive instead of proactive. It means putting out fires instead of taking smaller, consistent action. 

And it’s WAY easier than what you’re doing now. Promise.

Let's work!

Survival mode does not have to be your default. If you’re ready to have a healthier relationship with money and peace of mind, we can’t wait to help you achieve your goals.
Book a call